Saturday, April 10, 2010

I may be crazy!

I have an idea for a direction to take my blog. After seeing Julie and Julia, which I didn't really like, I had an idea. I'd blog about everything I put in my mouth for the course of the day. It'd be interesting because I eat total crap. I mean sometimes I get grossed out thinking about what I had to eat that day. Like, the cheap store bought cotton candy that's been sitting there for God only knows how long that I ate for breakfast this morning. I know, totally gross. Hopefully, this type of blog would serve two purposes, encourage others of how proud they should be of themselves for their total self-control and healthy eating habits; and also make me more aware of what I eat. Just maybe I wouldn't eat a Little Debbie brownie as I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner! Seriously though, I'm about to start a diet. When I say "about" it's because I had to order an injectable medication that you take daily. I ordered it, just waiting for it to arrive. The diet is called the Simeons' Protocol. It's kinda crazy. It is the diet that places advertise 'lose forty pounds in forty days guaranteed'. But I'm not going to their clinics. At work there are several (four) CRNA's that are on it and have experienced good results. Two of them went to the clinics and got started then realized they could order the Hcg online and follow the same diet protocol and not spend the $1200.00 that the clinics charge. I know this is totally crazy of me and you're thinking, "Holy crap Sharon, bad idea" and maybe it is, but I'm gonna at least try it a week. The injections help curb your appetite and force your body to use it's fat stores for energy as you're on a very low calorie, low fat, no carb diet. It's pretty extreme and I may not last a weekend but I want to give it a shot.
Before y'all start telling me the keys to loosing weight are to exercise and eat fewer calories than you burn, let me say, I know. But you're talking to someone that exercises NO self-control, but I figure if I'm sticking myself everyday I may be more likely to stick to the diet plan.


  1. Sharon, I actually did the HCG before. The dr I used to work for started doing it. He was using a cream instead of the injections which was nice. I lost 22 pounds (would have lost more if I wasn't moving) and know lots of women that have lost weight on it. I would really like to do it again, but it is hard, but you can do it. Just make sure you stick to the 500 calorie diet. Also, I know a nutritionist that will see you and go over everything and give you the book for $100 if you are interested in that, plus you can stay accountable to her if you want to. Good luck and keep me posted on how you are doing!!!

  2. Sounds brutal but you can do it!

  3. I'm just passing through....I'm a friend of Courtney's and just was looking through some of her links.

    Are you saying you can only eat 500 calories?? If so, then why do you even need a cream or injection? Anyone would lose weight if they were only taking in that little amount.

    I'm just curious. It slightly scares me. It's the first I've heard of it....

    Thanks for letting me nose my way in. :)

  4. Candi, yes I know, completely nuts right? The injection/cream/pill is to help curb your appetite and apparently will help your body convert the fat to energy. Which your body would do anyway if you're only eating 500 calories. So basically it is to help curb your appetite. Don't know if it will actually work, but I'm giving it a shot. To my friends/family who see me often, if you find me to be in an altered mental state, please feed me a carb immediately! Preferably a chocolate covered pastry of some sort, carbs + sugar = all is well with the world. Geez, wonder why I've gained upward of 60ish pounds in the course of 10 years?!? Just kidding, I am really going to whole heartedly give this a shot.
