Monday, July 4, 2011

It's all good

Wow, so it's been over a month since my whole cancer scare started. Yes, it was very scary. I'm much better now, not crying at night or in the middle of the day or anytime John looks at me anymore. So that's good. First, I got great news from MD Anderson, NO RADIATION recommended!!!!! Let's see, the exact pathologist comment was, "no evidence of worrisome differentiation seen", not sure what that means, but I'll take it (half kidding). Then, I was scheduled for my PET scan just to make sure there were no other "worrisome" areas. What the doctors call "worrisome", I call holy shit I have cancer. The scans came back clean only showing mild reactivity in the areas where my surgery was performed, which is normal healing process taking place. Yay!!!! So good news all around. Now we just follow-up with the ENT every three to six months for a couple of years to make sure we do not have a recurrence. Good news all the way around. My incision is healed and I'm very glad I had the sinus work done at the same time. I used to sleep ALL THE TIME, no lie. Now I sleep maybe eight hours at night and then I wake up, and can't go back to sleep or take a nap very easily, well except for vacation, I did indulge in a couple of naps. It feels good not to be tired all the time. Sinus surgery is one of the best things I've done for myself in a very long time, until I opened the anesthesia bill. Seriously, I'm glad it was after we returned from vacation, I about had a heart attack. Good thing is, my deductible is met for the year after this and everything will be covered at one hundred percent. I'm sure with follow-ups and what not that will be pretty costly in itself.
I'm gonna start posting more about kids, work, my poor decorating and paint choices, and what not, we'll see, this is the third post this year, I'm hoping it won't be the last. I just never think of it.
I wrote this entry this morning and the oncologist, Dr. Barker, called me this afternoon. So I'm adding an amendment. Yes, on the fourth of July the doctor was in his office calling patients. What an amazing doctor! He said he just wanted to go over all the results with me. All the above information was supplied by his nurse while he was out on vacation. Basically, he said all the same things and reinforced how great this was. He also said the rate of recurrence is only 10-15% and would be within twenty-four months, but usually reappears by six months, so if we wanted to have a baby he said, wait the six months and if we're in the clear and healthy, go for it. We may just try for a baby boy after all. I don't know in six months I'll be 35, we'll have to wait and see where our heads are at at the time.
Thank the Lord for a good prognosis and great doctors!


  1. My dear Sharon,
    Thank God for the wonderful news. My prayer meeting friends and I prayed for you every Wednesday night at our meeting, I prayed for you during my deep-night work shift. I know many others were praying for you as well. God has blessed us so tremendously with your health. Praise God for this blessing.
    Matt Chandler of the Village Church in Highland Village had a brain tumor discovered Thanksgiving Day of 2009. He has a lot of insight about coping with the stress of cancer with God's help. You can google the church site and go to sermons or to "Life at the Village" --pastor's blog.
    Sharon you are so dear to me. Again, praise God you are well.
    Love you,
    PS Thanks also for inviting me on your family vacation. I had a great time with all of you and with my three grandgirls (the pretty girls). You and John and Adam and Courtney made me feel so welcome and comfortable. Love you for that too.

  2. Adam says "Great news on your results! What was done on the sinus surgery? I think I have something strange going on with my sinuses, need to have someone look at them."
