Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I haven't posted to this blog in so long that I couldn't even remember how. Wow, now that's bad. You see John and I share the computer and I'm too lazy to sign him out so I always just browse the web with him signed in. Then when I do decide to visit my own blog, I have to figure out how to sign him out and log me in so that I can post. Okay, done. Now to figure out how to post. Not so easy when I'm all hopped up on cold meds. Everything is kinda fuzzy and I'm shaking like crazy. Fun. So it's been, let's see, months since I last posted. I've had plenty to say but I've been spending more time on Facebook and less time here. So, If you want to know what I've been up to lately you know where to go, but here's a rundown. Work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep for three days. Then on day four I get Madi off to school and spend some one on one time with Gracie (she prefers that we go for doughnuts, but it's getting me nowhere with WW). Pick Madi up, do homework (against much protest), break up several sibling fights. Bathe and feed them, put them to bed. Throw in three soccer practices and two games over a course of four days and then the week starts over. Sounds like fun, huh.
So when are we having baby #3, let's see.....not anytime soon. I think I've gotten too old. So sorry Aunt Annie and Aunt Courtney, the girls and I will just have to live (can't think of the word...I'm on cold meds here). Vicariously, that's it. We'll just have to enjoy y'alls babies. But, Aunt Courtney I know you hate being bugged about it, so thanks to Aunt Annie, we won't mention it again. For a couple of months anyway. And, the other night at dinner. I totally did NOT tell Madi to ask you, "when are you gonna have a baby". She came up with that all on her own. Promise.
This post started as why I haven't posted, and turned into something totally different. Thank you, Theraflu.


  1. Try for a third anyway!! What's there to lose?

    Madi is so grown up sometimes. She picks up on everything we say, so it totally didn't surprise me when she asked about when I'm having a baby! lol

  2. Sharon, you're hilarious. You should be on Theraflu every time you post. Haha! And I completely understand why you wouldn't want to have a third, not because you're too old - because you're not ;), but because it's so hard to get back into baby mode once you've been out of it for any length of time. Your life goes in a different direction as they get older, and it's so hard to throw a baby into the mix of soccer games, homework, school, etc. I guess people do it all the time, but I don't think it's easy. That's why I am insanely putting all of mine so close together - economy of scale. ;) And yes, y'all can get your baby fix on my next one without having to be pregnant or all of the other "fun" stuff that goes along with it.
